Resource type | Basic xsd | Root element | Examples1 |
Components | OMTD-SHARE-Component.xsd | componentMetadataRecord | Components from Maven, components from Docker, OMTD apps |
Corpora | OMTD-SHARE-Corpus.xsd | corpusMetadataRecord | Corpora |
Lexical/Conceptual resources (includes any resource that can be used for annotation, e.g. lexica, ontologies, terminologies but also typesystems and tagsets) | OMTD-SHARE-LexicalConceptualResource.xsd | lcrMetadataRecord | Ontologies and terminological resources, typesystems |
Language descriptions (includes ML models and grammars) | OMTD-SHARE-LanguageDescription.xsd | languageDescriptionMetadataRecord | Machine Learning models |
Publications | OMTD-SHARE-Publications.xsd | documentMetadataRecord | Publications |
Entity type | Basic xsd | Root element |
Persons | OMTD-SHARE-Actors.xsd | personInfo |
Organizations | OMTD-SHARE-Actors.xsd | organizationInfo |
Projects | OMTD-SHARE-Projects.xsd | projectInfo |